- 1
Duplicate TM numbers
#505 opened by hcayless - 2
DDbDP texts with no TM number
#504 opened by hcayless - 1
Confused refs in BGU.1.317, 318, and SB 1.5332
#499 opened by hcayless - 0
Mark up for words made up of different language parts
#479 opened by jcowey - 1
Arabic Numerals within `<ex>` in DDB
#445 opened by samosafuz - 0
Mentioned dates messy in 20506 (P.Oxy. 2 237)
#442 opened by jcowey - 0
- 2
Explanation for provenance types
#439 opened by Xennis - 3
provenance of type "written"
#397 opened by enury - 2
Correction proposals for places in HGV - 1
#401 opened by enury - 0
Conflicting @ref for Herakleopolis
#416 opened by enury - 2
Double origPlace elements
#396 opened by enury - 0
Change Canonical URI statement to https://
#392 opened by jcowey - 6
Missing transcription XML for TM 19960
#357 opened by enury - 0
- 2
TM numbers for p.oxy 9 1212 and p.tebt. 2 340
#290 opened by enury - 1
proximity search error
#287 opened by wgclaytor - 1
Board cleaning
#349 opened by jcowey - 3
- 2
Branch cleaning?
#301 opened by jcowey - 6
Un-nest and rationalize apparatus entries
#213 opened by hcayless - 0
Update GitHub Actions checkout
#328 opened by ryanfb - 0
Comunicazioni in Biblio
#321 opened by samosafuz - 1
Introduce `https` throughout, where possible
#266 opened by jcowey - 0
"Submitted" issues
#300 opened by wgclaytor - 3
Search error with #
#286 opened by wgclaytor - 2
morgan files missing in APIS (?)
#282 opened by jcowey - 5
Convert <g type=""/> to <g ref=""/>
#265 opened by hcayless - 3
idno changes for p.giss
#156 opened by jcowey - 2
idno changes for p.bas
#214 opened by jcowey - 5
404 error for existing entries
#258 opened by samosafuz - 0
look at 59751 (PHerc.1010) @1 @2 look like rubbish
#218 opened by danielrruf - 0
What does "--" stand for in 62436 (PHerc.1004)?
#236 opened by danielrruf - 1
<unclear/> <unclear/> in DCLP 243963
#216 opened by danielrruf - 0
Switch to GitHub Actions for CI validation
#199 opened by ryanfb - 0
- 1
p.oxy.62.4348.xml line 0
#183 opened by danielrruf - 1
Re-index please
#159 opened by jcowey - 2
- 2
- 3
Merge request
#102 opened by jcowey - 0
Travis CI: Validate RNG before caching
#143 opened by ryanfb - 1
Merge request to ../master/DCLP
#98 opened by jcowey - 2
Merge pull request 121 please
#122 opened by jcowey - 0
HGV - corrections to p.tarich 4/6/9 identifiers
#119 opened by enury - 2
Making links to BL_online available in
#103 opened by jcowey - 0
Character mangling in APIS XML
#100 opened by ryanfb - 0
Words wrongly accentuated
#97 opened by danielrruf - 2
DCLP records with multiple principal editions
#96 opened by hcayless - 0
Supplied gaps in o.krok.1.87lin89_106 line 5
#95 opened by danielrruf