A go library for interacting with iRobot Roomba or Create robots following the Open Interface (OI) specification.
The code of the library is remotely inspired by pyrobot
library by damonkohler@gmail.com (Damon Kohler)
I'm still not sure on how to package go libraries, but
go get github.com/xa4a/go-roomba/go-roomba-test
$GOPATH/bin/go-roomba-test # -port=/dev/roomba_serial_port
Should output:
2012/10/29 16:41:40 Failed to open serial port: /dev/cu.usbserial-FTTL3AW0
2012/10/29 16:41:40 Making roomba failed
exit status 1
And if you have Roomba connected to the specified port (/dev/cu.usbserial-FTTL3AW0
above) it may move forward a bit.