
A simple compiler for PCAT programming language

Primary LanguageC

PCAT Compiler

PCAT - Pascal Cloned with an ATtitude

something about PCAT:

  1. PCAT uses Standard ASCII character set, and case sensitive.
  2. Comments are enclosed in pairs of (* and *), not nested.
  3. Support nested functions.
  4. Support interger, real, record values with implicit pointers, arrays and a few simple structured control constructs.

More details see The PCAT Programming Language Reference Manual.


  • g++ 4.6.3

    For ubuntu, run sudo aptitude install build-essential to install it.

  • Lex - GNU Flex: The Fast Lexical analyzer

    Flex home page

  • Yacc - GNU Bison


Just run make to build our program.

Part.1 Lexer

Main goal:

  • Recognize token in the PCAT program, including reserved words, operators, identifiers, comments.

  • for every token, list out its internal repressentation, value, line number & column number.

  • Besides, if there are some errors, print it out, with line number & column number.

  • For errors, try you best to ignore it and go on.

Part.2 Parser

  • Parsing the tokens recognized from Lexer (with Bison)

  • Make a Abstract Semantic Tree (AST)

  • Code style correct based on AST

  • Type checking based on AST

  • Code generation