
Monitors paritytech/polkadot for new releases and updates binaries automatically

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Monitors paritytech/polkadot for new releases and updates binaries automatically

We recommend that you test this manually next polkadot release to make sure it has all the proper privileges to do what it needs to

Setup Instructions:

  1. git clone this repo
  2. cd polkaRelCheck
  3. npm install

Run as follows: npm start [working directory with current polkadot binary] [systemctl service name]

example: "npm start /my/dir/polkadot/target/release/ polkadot.service"

set this as a crontab entry. The below runs every 30 minutes and logs out to prc_logs.log

#crontab -e

*/30 * * * * cd /my/dir/polkaRelCheck && /usr/bin/npm start /my/dir/polkadot/target/release/ polkadot.service >> prc_logs.log


  1. git and Node 14 LTS
  2. A polkadot binary is running
  3. Polkadot is running as a service managed by systemctl.

An example of a polkadot.service file is included in the extras folder

Libraries used: axios, fs, semver, execa

Tips always appreciated

  • KSM: Dw9DAWiFr2WbptxSsR78A2be71Rps125UxQowcF4jZ6GEZo

  • DOT: 1GPiqrHHuwHuz6QjQm66n8YSGmMhVsrnMbVtYTqYR6ZA9aH