Puppet module for managing Hashicorp's Vault
##Prerequisites This module requires:
- puppet-archive
- a
package to be installed (egpackage { "zip": ensure => installed }
To simply install the vault binary:
include vault
To run it in server mode:
class { 'vault':
service_enable => true,
service_ensure => 'running',
manage_service => true,
This module handles installing the vault binary, writing a config file for server mode, and creating an init script.
It does not:
- initialize the vault
- unseal the vault on startup
- Provide a way to get secrets from Vault within puppet. For that, look at puppet-vaultize-file
##Development Open an issue or fork and open a Pull Request
Much of the initial code was adapted from solarkennedy/puppet-consul. Thank you to the contributors to that project.