❓ What is Reach?
💡 DApps are made of multiple agents interacting with each other through some backend consensus network, like Ethereum or Algorand.
💡 In Reach, a programmer only needs to specify the actions of participants---what they do individually and what they do in unison. The Reach compiler automatically derives a contract for the consensus network via a connector that enforces these rules. [More on Reach](https://docs.[Reach](https://docs.reach.sh/tut/overview/#overview).sh/tut/overview/#overview)
React is one of many frameworks that can be implemented with Reach.
🌱 This boilerplate helps kickstart your development of a Reach dAPP using React frontend.
|_ public (contains media files)
|_ src (main app dir)
| |_ reach
| | |_ .reach
| | |_ build
| |_ index.main.mjs
| | |_ index.rsh
| | |_ reach
| |_ screens
| |_ ConnectAccount.jsx
| |_ index.css
| |_ index.js
| |_ PasteContractInfo.jsx
| |_ SelectRole.jsx
| |_ TestView.jsx
| |_ WaitForAttacher.jsx
| |_ utils
| |_ Constant.js
| |_ index.css
| |_ index.js
| |_ loader.jsx
| |_ App.css
| |_ App.test.js
| |_ index.css
| |_ index.js
| |_ logo.svg
| |_ reportWebVitals.js
| |_ setupTests.js
|_ .gitignore
|_ package.json
|_ README.md
💻 Reach - https://docs.reach.sh/tut/rps/#tut-1
💻 git - https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git
💻 yarn - https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#debian-stable
git clone https://github.com/paradoxfly/reach-react-boilerplate
yarn install
# From the project root path
cd src/reach
# To compile to the latest version of REACH
./reach compile
Run yarn start
to get your development server start.
This opens a new browser with localhost:3000
Open localhost:3000
on separate browsers to test using MyAlgo Testnet or it's Mnemonic keys.
Implement your backend changes in src/reach/index.rsh