Chat Client

This is a client for a simple chat room, using socketio. Right now there is one main room, and users can send private messages to other users.


Install dependencies via npm or yarn.


Copy .env.example and change values as necessary. This version uses .env for local development and now.json for env vars on production in Zeit.



Starts the server in development mode

Socket Events

This project interacts with socketio via


connection: Add a new chat client

chat-message-broadcast: Fires when the server emits chat-message-broadcast (when a user has posted a message to general chat)

user-connected: Fires when a user has been connected, returned data is the socket's corresponding user object.

room-user-change: Fires when a user enter or leaves the main chat.

pm: Adds a pm to the client's privateChatMessages map


chat-message-sent: sends a chat message to the server-- whether it is private or public depends on whether ot not to is defined in the message object.

private-chat-initiated (socket): Sends an event to initiate a private chat, which includes the socketid of the user to chat with


The chat is authorized via json webtokens secured on a cookie. Needs work.


  • Blocking of PMs
    • All Users
    • Individual users
  • Filtering Messages in chat
    • By User
    • By text in message
  • Moderation
    • Word filter
    • Word