Twitch + OBS

This app is a small example of integrating Twitch chat and OBS, allowing Twitch users to change the streamer's Scenes.


In order to run this software, you'll need the following:

A Twitch OAuth Token: You'll use an OAuth token instead of a password for your bot to log in. You can generate one here. Make sure you are logged in/connecting to the bot's account when you do this.

Node.js: This is a JavaScript application and Node.js is the framework we're using to execute our code.

OBS Studio: This application is currently only tested on OBS Studio. You're on your own if you're using SLOBS.

obs-websocket: Our application will communicate with OBS via websockets. You can download the OBS Websockets plugin here.

Installation for these prereqs vary by oeprating system, so they will not be covered here.


OBS Setup

Decide which scenes you'll want chat to be able to switch to. Name those scenes with an exclamation point (!) at the beginning, ie: !My Scene. The app will only shows these scenes as options and only allow users to switch to them.

App Installation

  • Clone to a directory of your choice.
  • npm or yarn install the application dependencies.
  • Set the necessary values in a file .env at the root of your directory (detailed later)

Using the App

  • Run the app with yarn dev if you would like to run a development server that will reload with directory changes.
  • Run the app with yarn start to run the app regularly.
  • ctrl+z in your command line to terminate the app.

Chat Commands

!scenes: This will show a list of all available scenes. The exclamation point is omitted from their display.

!change-scene <scene name>: This changes the scene to the one specified. For instance, to change to a scene called !My Scene, the command would be !change-scene My Scene.


At the root directory of the app, you'll find a .env file, which you'll need to edit. The values should be self-explanatory. Be sure to include oauth: on the OAUTH_TOKEN line. Changing COMMAND_PREFIX changes the character that you use tell the bot something is a command.