
This project contemplates the creation of an application to consult the GitHub API and show the most popular swift repositories of GitHub.

Functional Project

  • There will be a button to start the search.
  • The application show the results according to server response


  • Swift 5
  • Target: iOS 13.0
  • Xcode 11

Run project

To execute the project you have to:

  1. Clone the repo or download the ZIP file on a Mac
  2. If you choose to download the ZIP file, unzip it
  3. Open the file RepositoriesAPI.xcodeproj with Xcode 11
  4. Pick a simulator (choose an iPhone with iOS 13 or later)
  5. Run the project (CMD+R)

Run tests

To run some unit tests you have to:

  1. Open the file RepositoriesAPI.xcodeproj with Xcode 11
  2. Run tests (CMD+U)

Project Patterns


  • MVVM with closures
├── View
│   └── <SCENE_NAME>View.swift
└── ViewModels
│   └── <SCENE_NAME>ViewModel.swift
└── Model
└── <SCENE_NAME>Model.swift


  • Navigation: Coordinator
├── Commom
│   └── Coordinator.swift

  • Network: Service and protocol
├── Service
│   └── <SCENE_NAME>Service.swift
│   └── GatewaySetup.swift
└── Protocol
│   └── <SCENE_NAME>ServiceProtocol.swift

UI development

  • XIB

API Documentation

GitHub REST API v3 Usage in this project

  • URL

  • Find repo from language by most popular {baseURL}/search/repositories?q=language:swift&sort=stars&page=1

  • Find readme {baseURL}/repos/{login}}/{name}/contents/

Network Layer Pattern

  • HTTP Client
  • URLSessionProtocol
  • Service and Protocol

Fastlane Documentation

Fastlane is the easiest way to automate tests, generate coverage reports, beta deployments and releases for your iOS app

Running the Fastlane tests

In the Terminal app execute: fastlane tests

Running the Fastlane screenshots

In the Terminal app execute: fastlane screenshots


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