
This project contemplates the creation of an application to consult the GitHub API.

Primary LanguageSwift


This project contemplates the creation of an application to consult the GitHub API.

Functional Project

  • Insert words and have them counted as a hit as soon as the player types the last letter of each word.
  • There will be a 5 min timer to finish the game.
  • There will be a button to start the timer.


  • Swift 5
  • Target: iOS 12.0
  • Xcode 11.2.1

Run project

To execute the project you have to:

  1. Clone the repo or download the ZIP file on a Mac
  2. If you choose to download the ZIP file, unzip it
  3. Run the command pod install
  4. Open the file Repository-Query.xcworkspace with Xcode 11
  5. Pick a simulator (choose an iPhone with iOS 12 or later)
  6. Run the project (CMD+R)

Run tests

To run some unit tests you have to:

  1. Open the file Repository-Query.xcworkspace with Xcode 11
  2. Run tests (CMD+U)

Project Patterns


  • MVVM with closures
├── Coordinator
│   └── <MODULE_NAME>Coordinator.swift
├── ViewControllers
│   └── <MODULE_NAME>ViewController.swift
└── ViewModels
│   └── <MODULE_NAME>ViewModel.swift
└── Model
    └── <MODULE_NAME>Model.swift

UI development

  • XIB

API Documentation

GitHub REST API v3 Usage in this project

  • URL

  • Find repo from language by most popular {baseURL}/search/repositories?q=repositories&language:{languageName}&sort=stars&order=desc&page={}&per_page={page_size}

  • Find readme {baseURL}/repos/{login}}/{name}/contents/README.md?ref=master

Network Layer Pattern

  • APIManager with Alamofire
  • Service and Protocol