
Simple plugin engine in c++ to be able to load plugins in execution time

Primary LanguageC++

= How it works =
This is a example of how to develop a simple plugin engine to be able to load plugins on execution time. 

The plugins will use the engine in order to be created. The engine will be compiled in form of a library

It makes use of some interesting c++11 stuff like smart pointers and makes intensive use of c++ pimpl idiom.

You can create new families of plugins in the core engine libray. In this example it only exists one dummy stuff 
to show how to use it. 

= How to add a plugin family =
You have to define and implement a server plugin to expose the plugin interface that the real plugins of the family 
must implement in order to be loaded correctly.

An example of this is is PluginAServer class.

In order to make the family public you need to provide an access to that family class in Core.h file. The way to do this
is to add a "get" method which should return a reference to the class. For example:

 ENGINE_API PluginAServer &getPluginAServer();

This Core class will store the new family in an internal map and will do the correct registration of 
the family plugins in the engine.

In SharedLibrary.h file mechanisms for doing plugins'stuff are defined. It makes use of C dl library. 
It provides static methods for loading, unLoading and getting correct pointers inside the plugins. These are two symbols:

* getEngineVersion
* registerPlugin

When you think in implementing a plugin for the family you must provide this two symbols 
in order the engine be able to find them. The way of doing this is two provide an implementation of these two:

 extern "C" PLUGIN_A_API int getEngineVersion()
 extern "C" PLUGIN_A_API void registerPlugin(Core &core)

This is used in Plugin class which is able to register plugins and define versions of the engine. 
The most important stuff in Plugin class are these two using the sharedLibrary static methods
to look for symbols defined in the plugins with:

  ENGINE_API int getEngineVersion() const;
  ENGINE_API void registerPlugin(Core &core);

For more details please take a look of the full code.

= Compile =
You need g++ with c++14 support.

You have to compile in order:
 * Engine
 * PluginA
 * ExampleApp

== Engine ==
$ cd Engine
$ ./compile.sh 

Now "libEngine.so" has been created.

== PluginA ==
$ cd PluginA
$ mkdir build
$ cd build && cmake ..
$ make

Now "libPluginA.so" has been created.

== ExampleApp ==
This example use core plugin library and a plugin to show how to use this stuff.

$ cd ExampleApp
$ mkdir build
$ cd build && cmake ..
$ make

An "App" binary has been created now.

= Execution =
Now it is time to test this stuff. Plugins are search in execution time in the same path where executable app has been created, so we have to copy libPluginA.so to App directory. Then we can exec the example:

$ ./App
Trying to make stufff before load plugins...
Invalid or unsopported stuff1
Loading plugins...
Making stuff1: 5