
Vagrant Box that builds torch-android automatically for ARMv7 and ARMv8.

MIT LicenseMIT

Automated buildbox for torch-android

Run one command and have torch-android for armv7a and armv8 ready for action.

This Vagrant Box provisions an Ubuntu 14.04 64bit VM with Android SDK/NDK, correct cmake version and other dependencies. After provisioning it builds Torch and torch-android. Finally you can find the built binaries, headers and lua-lib in ./mounted. Depending on available computation power the build time will be between 15min-2h.

You can use this to build torch-android on all platforms supported by VirtualBox; Windows, OSX, Linux etc.


Prerequisite; Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.

Let's get started:

  1. git clone https://github.com/paramsen/torch-android-build-box.git
  2. cd torch-android-build-box
    • Protip; vim Vagrantfile, increase RAM/CPUs as much as your computer can afford
    • Protip 2; vim Vagrantfile, update to the newest NDK if it isn't up to date
  3. mkdir mounted
  4. vagrant up -> Vagrant builds torch-android (expect it to take 30min-2hrs depending on the available computation power)
  5. ls mounted -> Verify that the build completed successfully, mounted will contain the following directories each containing built files
    ├── arm64-v8a
    ├── armeabi-v7a
    ├── headers
    └── lua
  6. vagrant halt -> Stop the VM
  7. vagrant destroy -f -> Delete the VM from disk, keeps the built stuff in ./mounted
  8. You're ready to proceed to the next article and use the built binaries in your Android Studio project

Config (speed up build time)

In the Vagrantfile you can edit available RAM and CPUs, increase these as much as your computer can afford.

More info about using torch-android

Read my torch-android writeup for more info.


I created this purely for educational purposes, hence the MIT license.