

1. Four Elements Sum
2. Rotten Oranges
3. Digit Count [How many X's]
4. Save Ironman
5. Closest Palindrome
6. Check Array Contains Contigous Integer
7. Pairs with Positive and Negative Values
8. Maximum Tip Calculator
9. Prime Number of Set Bits
10. Reverse Each Word in String
11. Find k-th character in string
12. Star Elements
13. Common Subsequence
14. Chocolate Station
15. First and Last Occurances in Sorted Array
16. Number of Groups
17. Count the Elements
18. Find Pair such that [ a+b = c+d ]
19. Group Anagrams Together
20. Game With Strings
21. Extract Maximum
22. Element with left side smaller and right side greater
23. Smallest Positive Missing Number
24. Maximum Money
25. Fill Array with 1's
26. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
27. Smallest window in a string containing all the characters of another string
28. Water Overflow
29. Geek and Coffee Shop
30. Number with Same First and Last Digit
31. Find All pairs with Given Sum
32. Equal Point in String of Brackets
33. Stepping Numbers
34. First Non-Repeating Character in stream
35. Unique Numbers
36. Rearrange Characters
37. Game of XOR
38. Type of Array
39. First and Last Occurance of x
40. Find Whether Path Exists
41. Total Number of Strings
42. Minimum Cost of Ropes
43. Sum of Query II
44. Count ways to reach the n’th stair
45. Length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
46. Count triplets with sum smaller than X
47. Maximum of minimum for every window size
48. String Twice Counter
49. Keypad Typing
50. Generate Binary Numbers
51. Palindromic Array
52. Count ways to N'th Stair(Order does not matter)
53. Rotate Array by n elements
54. Maximum Sum Rectangle
55. Is Sudoku Valid
56. Maximize No. of Ones by Flipping at most M Zeros
57. Betting Game
58. Maximum of j - i subjected to the constraint of A[i] <= A[j]
59. Overlapping intervals
60. Sum of two numbers represented as arrays


1. Combination Sum
2. Merge two Sorted Array Decreasing Order
3. Unique Subsets
4. Ease the Array
5. M Coloring Problem
6. Count Occurences of Anagrams
7. Longest Distinct characters in string
8. Print Pattern Without Loop
9. Palindrome Numbers [Binary Representation]
10. RegEx Matching
11. Length of largest region of 1's
12. Find all four sum numbers
13. Phone Directory Suggestion
14. Boolean String Value
15. Difficulty of sentence
16. Valid Tic-Tac-Toe


1. Array Pair Sum Divisibility Problem
2. Maximum of all subarrays of size k
3. Jumping Number
4. Stock Buy and Sell
5. Search in a Matrix
6. Excel Sheet Title 
7. Transform String to Another
8. Shortest path from 1 to n


1. Print Bracket Number
2. Kth Element of two Sorted Array
3. First non-repeating character in a stream
4. Snake and Ladder Problem
5. Chocolate Distribution Problem
6. 0-1 Knapsack Problem
7. Key Pair
8. Maximum of all subarrays of size k
9. N meetings in one room
10. Gold Mine Problem
11. Doubling the Value
12. Sum of Dependencies in Graph

Morgan Stanley

1. Minimum Distinct Ids
2. Largest Even Number Using Max One Swap

Goldman Sachs

1. Second Most Repeated String
2. Numbers containing 1, 2 and 3 Only
3. Repeated Character present first in string
4. Wave Array
5. Total Decoding Messages

Walmart Labs

1. Longest Consecutive Subsequence
2. Find the highest occurring digit in prime numbers in a range
3. Count all possible paths from top left to bottom right
4. Two Prime Numbers Sum Equal to X