# In The Name Of God

# Telegram_Message_Forwarder

what does this script do ?

it will forward messages you sent to some chats automatically .

how can i use it ?

get api_id and api_hash

first of all you must go to my.telegram.org and register for getting api_id and api_hash

complete login_crendetial requirements

after those works you must complete login_credential file requirements such as api_id,api_hash,phone_number and stuff like that ....

create folders and add chats to them

after that create folders it can be one folder or more and add chats you wanna forward message to them

automatically to those folders and add them to folder_name in login_credential config file

waiting for forwarding messages to prevent getting banned

waiting recommended for forwarding message , you can set that in randint_range in login_credential config file

set numbers bigger as soon as possible to prevent getting banned ....

my program will sleep a random number from range you get as input to my program ...

after doing that jobs do next jobs

proxy supported ?

YES ! , you can use proxy (mtproto not supported because i used pyrogram ! )

set proxy in login_credential config file

change enable to 1 in login_credential file if you wanna use proxy else leave it 0


install requirements of script with pip install -r requirements.txt

THEN RUN SCRIPT with python forwarder.py

enable script for forwarding messages

go to saved messages of your telegram account then write /start for enable forwarding messages to chats that you added to folders

you write in login_credential config file ...

after writing /start everything you send (except /stop) there will forward to chats ...

disable script for forwarding messages

for disabling this mode you must send /stop in saved message and done [+]