Run IF by DeepFloyd Lab across multiple GPUs
python3 -m venv venv && . venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the server with web UI powered by gradio:
# if you have a GPU with more than 40GB VRAM, you can run all model on same GPU
# if you have 2 Tesla T4 with 15GB VRAM, you can assign stage1 model to the first GPU, and assign stage2 and stage3 models to the second GPU
python --stage1-gpu=0 --stage2-gpu=1 --stage3-gpu=1
# if you have 1 Tesla T4 with 15GB VRAM and another 2 GPUs with smaller VRAM size, you can assign stage1 model to T4, and assign stage2 and stage3 models to the second and third GPU
python --stage1-gpu=0 --stage2-gpu=1 --stage3-gpu=2
Then you can visit the web UI at http://localhost:7860. BentoML's api endpoint is also accessible at http://localhost:3000. To show all options that you can change (like server's port), just run python start-server --help