
An org-roam spacemacs configuration layer

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Org Roam Spacemacs Configuration Layer

A custom spacemacs configuration layer for using



First, clone the source code to the private directly.

# Clone with SSH
git clone git@github.com:joshmedeski/org-roam-spacemacs-layer.git ~/.emacs.d/private/org-roam

# Clone with HTTPS
git clone https://github.com/joshmedeski/org-roam-spacemacs-layer.git ~/.emacs.d/private/org-roam

Add org-roam to the dotspacemacs-configuration-layers list

  ;; ...other layers

Then restart spacemacs (SPC q r). When it restarts org-roam and all its dependencies will be installed.



All commands are bound to SPC a r

Key BindingCommandDescription
SPC a r rorg-roam-find-fileSearch all roam files
SPC a r corg-roam-captureCapture roam entry
SPC a r borg-roam-switch-to-bufferSearch all open roam files
SPC a r torg-roam-todayOpen the roam entry for today
SPC a r Torg-roam-toomorrowOpen the roam entry for tomorrow
SPC a r yorg-roam-yesterday-todayOpen the roam entry for yesterday
TODO SPC a r worg-roam-weeklies-weekOpen the roam entry for this week
TODO SPC a r morg-roam-weeklies-monthOpen the roam entry for this month

Minor Mode

All commands are bound to SPC m or ~,~.

Key BindingCommandDescription
SPC m Forg-roam-find-fileDisplay prompt to find a roam file
SPC m gorg-roam-graphDisplays roam graph
SPC m i rorg-roam-insertInsert link to roam file
SPC m rorg-roamToggles org-roam mode
SPC m uorg-roam-unlinked-referencesDisplays potential references for
the active file


Started from https://org-roam.readthedocs.io/en/master/installation/#spacemacs