
Praat script to collect descriptive measures of F0

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0



Praat script to collect descriptive measures of F0.


Collects a set of descriptive measures of F0 from Pitch objects paired with TextGrids. Measures will be collected for every non-empty interval in a selected tier. Pitch and TextGrid files must have the same name.

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Baseline: 7.4th quantile of the F0 sample (see Reference)
  • Standard deviation (SD)
  • Coefficient of variation (CV): (SD/mean) * 100
  • Quartile coefficient of dispersion: ((Q3 - Q1)/(Q3 + Q1) * 100)
  • Median absolute deviation (MAD): median of the deviations from the sample median
  • Basedev: median absolute deviation from baseline
  • Meandev: mean - baseline
  • Range: log2(F0max / F0min) * 12
  • Peak rate: rate of F0 peaks per second
  • Interpeak duration SD: standard deviation of duration of time between peaks
  • Excursion range: median excursion (valley-to-peak) range


Upon running the script, a window like the one below will appear, where the user has to set a number of parameters.

Script GUI

The parameters are:

  • Pitch folder and Grid folder: path of folders where Pitch and TextGrid files are stored. They can be the same or different folders.
  • Report: path of the folder and name of the file (with extension) of the report outputted by the script.
  • Tier: number of the TextGrid tier to be analyzed.
  • Smooth: how much smoothing should be applied (the greater the number, the smoother the contour). If set to 0, no smoothing will be applied.
  • Interpolation: which kind of interpolation apply in voiceless intervals. Options are no interpolation, quadratic or linear.
  • Units: scale of measurement - Hertz, semitones relative to 1 Hz or both.
  • Separator: character used to separate columns in the report file - tab, comma or single white space.


See the CHANGELOG file for the complete version history.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations.

How to cite

Click on the DOI badge above to see instructions on how to cite the script.


Traunmüller, H., and A. Eriksson. n.d. "The Frequency Range of the Voice Fundamental in the Speech of Male and Female Adults." http://www2.ling.su.se/staff/hartmut/f0_m&f.pdf.