
A kibana plugin that will allow us to build a custom table without metrics from the data stored in the ES indexes. It will show all the stored indexes in the ES instance, then all the present columns in the index to build the custom table. Then we will be able to export the table we had built as CSV

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Data table visualization and export without metrics for Kibana 6.x

A kibana plugin that will allow us to build a custom table without metrics from the data stored in the ES indexes. It will show all the stored indexes in the ES instance, then all the present columns in the index to build the custom table. Then we will be able to export the table we had built as CSV


  • Show all indexes stored in the ES(ElasticSearch) instance
  • Show all columns present in the selectionned index
  • Build own custom datatable from chosen index and columns with dynamic number of hits
  • Export custom builded datatable as CSV


  • Clone or download this repo, then inside it run the command npm run build and mention in the console the version needed.Make sure you have npm 6.0.0 installed. Then inside your Kibana repository under the bin folder run the command kibana-plugin install file:D:\my-new-plugin\build\my_new_plugin-0.0.0.zip; the link must point to the generated ZIP under the build directory of the plugin.


Clone this repo in the same repo where you have kibana stored

See the kibana contributing guide for instructions setting up your development environment. Once you have completed that, use the following npm tasks.

  • npm start

    Start kibana and have it include this plugin

  • npm start -- --config kibana.yml

    You can pass any argument that you would normally send to bin/kibana by putting them after -- when running npm start

  • npm run build

    Build a distributable archive

  • npm run test:browser

    Run the browser tests in a real web browser

  • npm run test:server

    Run the server tests using mocha

For more information about any of these commands run npm run ${task} -- --help.