#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n, i, j, profit = 0; //Initialize profit to 0
cout<<"Enter the number of days: ";
cin>>n; //User input the number of days
int arr[n]; //Declaring array of size n
cout<<endl<<"Enter the price of stock each day: "<<endl; //User input the prices for each day
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
for(i=0; i<n-1; i++){ //Iterating i from 0th index to n-2 (arr[i] -> buying price)
for(j=i+1; j<n; j++){ //Iterating j from (i+1)th index to n-1 (arr[j] -> selling price)
if(profit<arr[j]-arr[i]){ //If profit is more than (buying price - selling price)
profit = arr[j]-arr[i]; //Store the new profit value to variable 'profit'
cout<<endl<<"The maximum profit is: "<<profit<<endl; //Print the maximum profit obtained
return 0;
- Declaring variables of data type interger, n for nuumber of days(array length), i and j for iterating through array, initializing profit variable to 0 to store our maximum profit.
- Taking the value of n from user.
- Declaring an array of integer type with length n.
- Using for loop to input the values i.e cost of stock for each day, in array.
- Using for loop to iterate from 0th index to n-2 index i.e considering arr[i] as the buying price.
- Using nested loop to iterate from i+1 index to n-1 index i.e considering arr[j] as the selling price.
- If profit is less than the new profit obtained by arr[j] - arr[i] (If profit is more than the new profit obtained, the loop interates to next index).
- Store the new profit value to variable "profit".
- Print the maximum profit achieved by buying and selling the stock.