
The Parasoft Mobile Demo Application is an example Android application. The application is configurable, and is used to demonstrate functionality in a variety of Parasoft tools. This mobile version of demo application only includes approval module of the web application.

Getting Started

Building unsigned APK

To build APK, change to parasoft-demo-app-mobile project root directory and run:

./gradlew.bat assembleDebug

Then generated APK can be found in app/build/outputs/apk/debug.

Running emulator

User can either use emulator comes with Android Studio or third party emulator like BlueStacks.

  • If using BlueStacks, the recommended configuration is:
    • Display resolution: Portrait and 720x1280
    • Pixel density: 240DPI (Medium)
  • If using emulator comes with Android Studio, the recommended configuration is:
    • Device: Pixel 5 (or 1080x2340 as minimum resolution)
    • Android SDK: API 32 (or API 31 as minimum SDK version)

Using the Demo Application

  1. Make sure the Parasoft Demo Application service is running.

  2. Install APK on emulator and open the Parademo application.

  3. Set base URL for Parademo:

    • Open setting dialog by clicking the setting icon.
    • The default URL as, which points to Parasoft Demo Application project running on http://localhost:8080.
    • User needs to change the base URL if Parasoft Demo Application project is running on the different machine.
  4. Log in with one of the users with approver role. For example:

    Username Password
    approver password


Espresso tests included in this project can not run on API 33 because Espresso(3.4.0) does not support swipe actions on API 33.