PPL Docker Environment (Ubuntu 20.04)

Packages PPL (Release-stage-two) and Vizmo in a Docker container.


Install Docker Desktop

If you don't have Docker Desktop installed, download and install it using this link. Then, open the Docker application.

Apple Silicon

If you have a mac with an apple silicon processor (e.g. M1 chips or later), open the settings in the Docker app and check to make sure that the option for Use Rosetta for x86_64/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon is enabled. Additionally, install XQuartz and in the XQuartz settings, make sure that Allow connections from network clients is enabled.

1. Build docker image


If you get issues related to the docker daemon, try this.

2. Create and run docker container


3. Build PPL inside container


4. Build Vizmo inside container


5. Test to see if everything build properly

./build/ppl_mp -f Examples/CfgExamples.xml


Stop docker container

To stop the docker container run:

docker stop $USER-ppl-1

Deleting Containers

To delete all docker containers (docker cache) run:

docker system prune -a