ParaSwap allows dApps and traders to get the best DEX liquidity by aggregating multiple markets and offering the best rates
- 1
How to calculate price impact with paraswap
#165 opened by nmaddp1995 - 8
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Massive USDT Approval costs
#133 opened by laraschke - 3
Can't approve erc20 token for swap. Error: the method eth_sendTransaction does not exist/is not available. Chain info: Ethereum ropsten
#127 opened by OlegDO - 1
getAllowance: Token not found
#157 opened by Marcelh1983 - 0
post transaction: The rate has changed
#158 opened by Marcelh1983 - 0
Impossible to make it work
#148 opened by PHPCreed - 2
axios limitation < 1.0.0
#140 opened by Johann-S - 0
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Cannot Swap & Send when doing a BUY transaction
#130 opened by srikanthsrnvs - 1
Ethereum ROPSTEN: This transaction has some errors and may fail. Please contact support for more details
#126 opened by OlegDO - 0
Avalanche Only Supports Old WBTC Bridge
#124 opened by benleim - 3
Replace web3js to help reduce package size
#104 opened by mikemcdonald - 0
Confusion in usage and documentation of query parameters for transactions api in v5
#103 opened by cchighman - 0
transactions api in v5 will throw a generic 400 when the deadline parameter has expired
#102 opened by cchighman - 2
Problem with buildTx apiv5
#101 opened by bogdanaks - 5
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Interacting with smart contracts
#100 opened by varolbora5 - 0
APIv5 txOrigin option and estimateGas issues
#99 opened by mfw78 - 2
Can we "import" tokens?
#97 opened by astanciu - 1
Building a transaction returns a value of 0
#96 opened by devdanio - 0
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ts-essentials usage
#94 opened by Beraliv - 0
Support for non ERC20 tokens
#93 opened by devdanio - 1
seems like it doesn't support etherjs's provider?
#88 opened by newNcy - 0
gasLimit in the Build Transaction response
#70 opened by ramuta - 1
ParaSwap.buildTx not working with SwapSide.BUY
#21 opened by TheGeroj - 0
don't swallow responses on errors
#24 opened by sakulstra - 2
node version (allow 10 & 12)
#1 opened by sakulstra