- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#800 opened by renovate - 4
Support PHP 8.4
#871 opened by withinboredom - 1
Stop warnings and deprecations failing tests
#877 opened by DiogoTheCoder - 3
- 2
- 0
paratest does not honor 'displayDetailsOnPhpunitDeprecations' option from config
#893 opened by yurii-stickee-2023 - 1
- 3
ParaTests 7.3.1 incompatible with PHPUnit 10.5.32+
#890 opened by ghunti - 1
- 2
Incompatibility with PHPUnit 10.5.32
#886 opened by kylekatarnls - 5
failOnPhpunitDeprecation missing in WrapperRunner
#884 opened by arnovbr - 6
Uncaught TypeError: PHPUnit\TextUI\ShellExitCodeCalculator::calculate(): Argument #8 ($failOnWarning) must be of type bool
#880 opened by throcha3 - 2
Support PHPUnit 11.3.3
#881 opened by AJenbo - 1
Testdox summary not printed
#878 opened by SherinBloemendaal - 0
Baseline configuration is not sent to PHPUnit
#869 opened by nikophil - 3
Cache for static analysis has not been configured
#832 opened by jorgsowa - 2
Performance issue on new machine
#847 opened by DriverCat - 4
After upgrading our app to Laravel 10 + php 8.2, I keep getting "Test was run in child process and ended unexpectedly" with parallel testing on github
#845 opened by prototorpedo - 2
PHPUnit --path-coverage option
#863 opened by yan-kudriavtsev - 4
[Bug]: Skipped installation of bin bin/paratest.bat for package brianium/paratest: name conflicts with an existing file
#858 opened by mikkolukas - 0
Repeated cli options are not working as expected
#857 opened by stelar7 - 3
- 0
PHPUnit progress shown when test has >=1000 steps
#853 opened by codyfinegan - 1
Issue with teamcity reporting in PhpStorm
#850 opened by MatteoBiagini - 4
Wait between test
#849 opened by Luc45 - 2
- 1
- 5
Bad progress output with option --functional
#826 opened by ax-ml - 3
paratest_for_phpstorm deadlock issues where not present in command line runner
#823 opened by robertmarney - 3
Bug with --testdox option at v7.4.0
#839 opened by sertxudev - 4
PHPUnit 11 support
#830 opened by nunomaduro - 16
- 2
Fatal Error JUnit
#804 opened by erikbrgn - 1
Dynamically allocate tests to available workers
#833 opened by sk33wiff - 4
Multiple skipped not reported
#808 opened by mpoiriert - 3
Reversion from v6: Output test descriptions while tests are running with --testdox
#829 opened by paullallier - 2
The "--parallel-suite" option does not exist.
#806 opened by sebsnake - 1
WorkerCrashedException on class not found
#824 opened by Rhedynen - 1
is it possible to use it with mongodb?
#776 opened by mshamaseen - 2
- 2
Dead spinners in phpstorm test runner
#777 opened by mrozbarry - 3
Paratest crashes with Xdebug off
#778 opened by lukemorcom - 0
Too few arguments to function `PHPUnit\\TestRunner\\TestResult\\TestResult::__construct()`
#796 opened by Jacobs63 - 4
- 1
Negative num. of processes, not to use maximum threads
#791 opened by pistej - 1
Typed property ParaTest\WrapperRunner\ApplicationForWrapperWorker::$configuration must not be accessed before initialization
#789 opened by Koudy - 1
- 6
DataProvider based tests crash
#782 opened by phpsa - 1
Changes from PhpUnit 10.3 break ParaTest
#783 opened by alexey-m-ukolov - 2
Calling Paratest from own script
#779 opened by alexander-schranz