
Azure Arc demo environments bootstrapping for everyone

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Azure Arc Overview

For customers who want to simplify complex and distributed environments across on-premises, edge and multi-cloud, Azure Arc enables deployment of Azure services anywhere and extends Azure management to any infrastructure.

  • Organize and govern across environments - Get databases, Kubernetes clusters, and servers sprawling across on-premises, edge and multi-cloud environments under control by centrally organizing and governing from a single place.

  • Manage Kubernetes Apps at scale - Deploy and manage Kubernetes applications across environments using DevOps techniques. Ensure that applications are deployed and configured from source control consistently.

  • Run data services anywhere - Get automated patching, upgrades, security and scale on-demand across on-premises, edge and multi-cloud environments for your data estate.

Azure Arc "Jumpstart"

The following guides will walk you trough on how to demo and get started with Azure Arc. They are designed with a "zero to hero" approach in mind and with much automation as possible. The goal is for you to have a working Azure Arc demo environment spined-up in no time so you can focus on showing the core values of the solution.

Disclaimer: The intention for this repo is to focus on the core Azure Arc capabilities. deployment scenarios, use-cases and ease of use. It does not focus on Azure best-practices or the other tech and OSS project being leveraged in the guides and code.

Azure Arc Story Time

Fabrikam Global Manufacturing runs workloads on different hardware, across on-premises datacenters, and multiple public clouds, with Microsoft Azure being the primary cloud. They also support IoT workloads deployed on the edge. Workloads include very diverse services and are based on either virtual machines, managed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) services, and container-based applications.

As mentioned, Fabrkam’s R&D teams are well-invested in containerized workloads for their modernized applications and as a result, they are using Kubernetes as their container orchestration platform, deployed both as a self-managed Kubernetes in their on-premises environments and managed Kubernetes deployments in the cloud.

As part of their cloud-native practices with Azure being the main hyper-scale cloud, Fabrkam’s operations teams are standardized and taking advantage of Azure Resource Manager (ARM) capabilities such as (but not limited to) tagging, Azure Monitoring for VMs and containers, logging and telemetry, policy and government, Desired State Configuration (DSC), Update Management, Change Tracking, Inventory management,etc.

These practices and techniques are already well established for Azure-based workloads in use such as Azure VMs, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure SQL, and many more. In order to take advantage of these well-established practices, Fabrkam are using Azure Arc to extend the ARM API’s to project and manage their workloads deployed outside of Azure. Once onboarded, Azure Arc projects resources as first-class citizens in Azure which can then take advantage of ARM capabilities mentioned above. In addition, they are able to guarantee Kubernetes deployments and app consistency through GitOps-based configuration for their Kubernetes clusters in Azure, other clouds and on-premises.

With Azure Arc, Fabrikam are able to project resources and register them into Azure Resource Manager independently of where they run, so they have a single control plane and extend those cloud-native operations and governance beyond Azure.

Azure Arc for Servers

The below deployment options are focused on Azure Arc for Servers. It is designed to quickly spin up a server that is ready to be projected in Azure Arc and for you to start playing with it.

Note: For a list of supported operating systems and Azure regions, please visit the official Azure Arc docs.



Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


Azure Arc for Servers - Day-2 Scenarios & Use-Cases

Azure Arc for Kubernetes

The below deployment options are focusing on Azure Arc for Kubernetes. It is designed to quickly spin up a Kubernetes cluster that is ready to be projected in Azure Arc and for you to start playing with.


Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

Rancher k3s

Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) V4

Azure Arc for Kubernetes - Day-2 Scenarios & Use-Cases

Repository Roadmap

Up-to-date roadmap for the Azure Arc scenarios to be covered can be found under this repository GitHub Project.


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