WARNING: just a temporary development for the TRIQS project, not intended for distribution. Goal ---- A demo code to call Python from a C (or Fortran code). - execute_py.h, execute_py.c : the function to open a new interpreter, run a script in it and close it - main.c : a small demo code, which : - opens mpi in C, does a basic operation with it - call Python, which itself launch mpi4py and use it a bit - redo some mpi after the Python is finalized, to check mpi is not affected. - test.py : the python script for the test NB : one can also split the function in 3 functions (init, run, finalize) to keep the interpreter alive between calls. Is it useful ? - main.f90 : the same demo code for Fortran90 Compilation ------------ - This is a C code (not C++), you need to compile with a C compiler. (to have a mangling compatible with fortran). - You need to link to dl (for dlopen), and mpi (for the test) - Compilation instructions. * OS X : clang execute_py.c main.c -ldl -lmpi * F90 demo : mpif90 -ldl main.f90 execute_py.o Run ---- if using the enivronmental variable, you have to set it first to the path to the python lib, e.g. aichhorn@faepop60:~/TRIQS1.x/EXECUTE_PYTHON$ export PYTHONLIB=/usr/lib/python2.7/config-x86_64-linux-gnu/libpython2.7.so ./a.out requires two arguments: - the name of the environment variable containing location of the Python shared library (.so on Linux, .dylib on OS X). - the name of the script e.g. aichhorn@faepop60:~/TRIQS1.x/EXECUTE_PYTHON$ mpirun -np 2 ./a.out PYTHONLIB ./test.py Python lib: PYTHONLIB Python script: ./test.py I am rank 0 out of 2 I am rank 1 out of 2 Python I am node 0 Python I am node 1 Call between: I am rank 0 out of 2 Call between: I am rank 1 out of 2 Python I am node 0 Python I am node 1