REST API based Restaurants Search Engine written in Clojure based on Elasticsearch. The API server exposes APIs to create, update, search, suggest documents using elasticsearch.
You will need Java, Leiningen, Elasticsearch 5.0 and above to run this project.
Update the config file located at configs.clj
To start a web server for the application, run:
lein run
This will start the server on Port 7799. Run below curl command to verify
curl http://localhost:7799/ping
Build the Jar using below command
lein uberjar
and then run the following command to start the API server
java -jar target/restro-search-engine-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
Use the curl command mentioned above to verify.
Export the Postman Collection to Postman. This collections includes the sample request for all the APIs.
lein test :all
Ran 18 tests containing 54 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.