Game name: Call me Maybe
This game was created between Friday 25th and Sunday 27th of January 2013 during the Global Game Jam 2013 edition at the A+ Escuela de Artes Visuales in Montevideo, Uruguay The game is based on the presented theme: The sound of a beating heart.
Time distribution for the creation of this game was as follow: Friday, about 3 hours of brain storming between all participants. We all went to sleep and came back on Saturday morning. Saturday & Sunday were full production. All animations, sound and programming. Game design evolved and mechanics were tested and refined. This was some hardcore work we all did. I'm very proud of everyone involved at this stage :)
Some stuff was left out of the game, such as sounds, images, animations and a few mechanics.
- Productor
- Game Designer
- Level Designer
- Programmer
- 3D Modeler
- Animator
- 2D Ilustrator
- 3D Modeler
- Animator
- 2D Level Designer
- 3D Modeler
- Animator
- 2D Ilustrator
- Sound Designer
- Music Designer
- Illustrator