Project outline

Proof of concept build on gatsby with a basic e-shop functionality.


Designs: Figma


  • add product list section to homepage
  • cart component
  • add "add product to cart" functionality
  • add details page for each product

Detailed requirements

Designs & visuals

  • All elements should match designs pixel-perfect
  • Sections should be adjusted to mobiles, as it's a proof-of-concept, we were given only desktop version, hence no strict rules about mobile views, except needs to look good and be usable
  • Please add some sort of transitions, hover effects to elements

Product list section:**

  • as it's a proof-of-concept, please render all products from src/data/products/
  • "+" button should add product to cart
  • clicking on a card (except + button) should redirect user to product page
  • there should be visible max 4 cards on screen, arrows should move cards by one
  • content for section title and lead should come from src/pages/product/index.md

Product card:**

  • After adding a product to a card, number in badge (cart icon on top nav) should match number of products in card
  • user should be able to open product card only if there is at least 1 product added
  • if product card is open, user should be able to hide it clicking on every other place on screen

Other Requirements

  • new code should be consistent with project linting and formatting rules