
PhoneGap plugin which notifies when the user presses the volume up and down buttons of the device

Primary LanguageJava


Cordova plugin which notifies when the user presses the volume up and down buttons of the device. For that, it adds the following windowevent:

  • volumebuttonslistener


cordova plugin add https://github.com/manueldeveloper/cordova-plugin-volume-buttons.git cordova plugin add com.manueldeveloper.volume-buttons


This event fires when the user presses the volume up or down button of the device. An object that contains only one property is passed to the volume buttons listener:

  • signal: The volume button that the user has pressed [volume-up or volume-down] (String)

Applications have to use window.addEventListenerto attach this event listener once the devicereadyevent fires.

Supported Platforms

  • Android
  • iOS (in developing process)


window.addEventListener("volumebuttonslistener", onVolumeButtonsListener, false);

function onVolumeButtonsListener(info){
	console.log("Button pressed: " + info.signal);