
Deoplete source for notmuch address

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Deoplete-notmuch offers asynchronous completion of email addresses using notmuch address. Inspired by @fszymanski and @frbor's abook sources.


To install deoplete-notmuch, use your favourite plugin manager.

Using vim-plug on neovim

Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim', {'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins'}
Plug 'paretje/deoplete-notmuch', {'for': 'mail'}


" notmuch address command to fetch completions
" NOTE: --format=json is required
let g:deoplete#sources#notmuch#command = ['notmuch', 'address', '--format=json', '--deduplicate=address', '*']

The command must output JSON in the following schema to be parseable by this plugin (so as long as the output is in spec, one may try to use a different source than notmuch):

        "name":"Jane Doe",
        "name-addr":"Jane Doe <jane@mail.doe>"

You can modify the notmuch search to great extents, for example replace '*' by tag:sent and add --output=recipients to narrow the completions down to people who already received an email from you. For further information, see man 1 notmuch-address and man 7 notmuch-search-terms.