
Repository to run YATSM time series models on many Landsat scenes and perform area calculations

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Continuous unbiased area estimation

Repository that shows all the steps followed to calculate area estimates for stable and change land cover classes in the Colombian amazon between 2001 and 2016, using unbiased estimators. The scripts are found in the multi_scene folder, while the single_scene contains only a few (old) examples on how to run some of these procedures for a single Landsat scene. It does not include preprocessing steps, but the data requirements are described in the workflow_steps.md file. On its current form the repo is not meant to be reusable for other circumstances, it only shows the scripts used for the current analysis..

Original annual classes in clipped mosaics

  • 0 - No segment after break (unclassified)
  • 1 - Forest
  • 2 - Grassland
  • 3 - Urban
  • 4 - Pasture/cropland
  • 5 - regrowth/secondary forest
  • 6 - Water
  • 7 - Sand/other
  • 15 - True NoData

Definitive stratification

  • 0 - Other classes to other classes (includes forest to grassl., urban, water and "other")
  • 1 - Stable forest
  • 2 - Stable grassland
  • 3 - Stable urban + former stratum 7 (stable other (sandbanks, rocks))
  • 4 - Stable pasture/cropland
  • 5 - Stable regrowth (includes regrowth to forest)
  • 6 - Stable water
  • 8 - Forest to pastures + forest to unclassified
  • 9 - Forest to regrowth
  • 11 - Pastures to regrowth + former stratum 12 (Grassland, Urban, Water and "Other" to regrowth)
  • 13 - ALL CLASSES (except forest and regrowth) to unclassified
  • 14 - Loss of regrowth (regrowth to all other classes except to forest)
  • 15 - True NoData

File locations:

Images: /projectnb/landsat/projects/Colombia/<path><row>/images

Image cache: /projectnb/landsat/projects/Colombia/<path><row>/images/.cache

Time Series Results: /projectnb/landsat/projects/Colombia/<path><row>/Results/M3/TSR

Individual scene classification results: /projectnb/landsat/projects/Colombia/<path><row>/Results/M3/Class/mergedmaps_<year>_final.tif

Final mosaics, strata and samples: /projectnb/landsat/projects/Colombia/Mosaics/M3

File names:

Mosaics of east region: eastUTM19_<year>.tif

Mosaics of west region: westUTM18_<year>.tif

Reprojected mosaics of east region matching west grid: eastUTM18_<year>.tif

Mosaics of entire region: <year>_final.tif

Mosaics of entire region clipped to amazon boundary: <year>_final_crop.tif

Strata created for 2001-2016: strata_01_16_UTM18N.tif

Reprojected-forced clipped strata in UTM19N in case it's needed: strata_01_16_UTM19N.tif

Sample obtained straight from script: sample_may2016_UTM18N.shp

Definitive, ready to use samples for each zone: sample_east_UTM19N_ID_PR_ZONE.shp and sample_west_UTM18N_ID_PR_ZONE.shp

East region (UTM19) is composed of all the scenes with path-rows equal or less than 6-58