
An Open Source C# MIT-license Game Engine heavily inspired by Unity with a Dear ImGUI Editor.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

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🎮 An Open Source Unity-like Engine! 🎮

  1. About The Project
  2. Features
  3. Getting Started
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. License
  8. Dependencies
  9. Screenshots

📝 About The Project 📝

Prowl is an open-source, MIT-licensed game engine developed in pure C# in .NET 8, (which surprisingly has no runtime fees believe it or not! 😮). It aims to provide a seamless transition for developers familiar with Unity by maintaining a similar API while also following KISS and staying as small and customizable as possible. This engine is intended to be customized to your needs, everything is written to be a "Minimal" Production-Ready Implementation. Ideally, there will be plenty of Modules/Packages to expand on functionality for those who don't want (or are unable) to expand the base engine.


✨ Features ✨

  • General:

    • Unity-like Editor & Scripting API
    • C# Scripting
    • Gameobject & Component structure
    • .NET 8
    • Dear ImGUI Editor, including ImGuizmo, ImPlot, ImNodes
    • Editor with support for Editor Scripts and Custom Editors
    • Physics (Bepu Physics 2)
      • Colliders: Box, Sphere, Capsule, Cylinder, Mesh Collider
      • Rigidbody-based Character Controller
    • Unity-like Coroutines
    • Playtest directly in Editor
    • ScriptableObjects
    • Projects & Project Settings
    • Unity-like Serializer to create In-Memory Graphs
      • Graph -> Text (System.Text.Json)
      • Graph -> Binary
    • Full 64-bit using Doubles
    • Large World Coordinates Support
      • Camera Relative Rendering
    • Scene System
    • Modular Audio Backend
      • OpenAL
      • Currently only supports .wav files
    • Prefabs
    • Build System - Build to Standalone Application
      • Packed Asset files
    • Node System (A Port of xNode from Unity)
    • CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) API (No CSG Level Editor Yet)
  • Graphics Rendering:

    • Modular Graphics Backend
      • OpenGL
    • PBR (Physically Based Rendering) using Cook-Torrance BRDF
      • Albedo Map
      • Normal Map
      • Roughness Map
      • Metallic Map
      • Ambient Occclusion Map
      • Emission Map
    • Node-Based Customizable Render Pipelines
    • Deferred Renderer
    • Point, Spot, and Directional Lights
    • Shadow Mapping + Contact Hardening (Variable Penumbra)
    • Post Processing
      • HDR with Tonemapping (Melon, Aces, Reinhard, Uncharted, Filmic)
      • Bokeh Depth of Field
      • Screen Space Reflections
      • Kawase Multi-Pass Bloom
      • Temporal Anti-Aliasing
    • Stochastic Transparency
    • Adjustable Render Resolutions per camera
    • Dedicated Shadow Pass for Shaders
    • Procedural Skybox with Skybox-Blended Fog
    • GPU Skinned Mesh Rendering
    • Skeletal Animations
  • Asset Pipeline:

    • A Powerful Asset Pipeline with a very similar structure to unity
    • Meta Files & Reference by GUID
    • Import Caching
    • Support for Custom Importers
    • Supports many major file formats via ImageMagick, Assimp, etc
    • Sub-Assets, Assets stored inside other assets
    • Dependency Tracking

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🚀 Getting Started 🚀

Getting Prowl up and running is super easy!

Note: There are no official releases yet so you need to download this repository to use Prowl!



  1. Clone the repo
  2. Open .sln file with Visual Studio Version 17.8.0+
  3. That's it! 😄 🎉

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🗺️ Roadmap 🗺️


  • 🛠️ Cross Platform
    • ✔️ Windows - Fully functional
    • ✔️ MacOS - ImGUI asserts cause crashes occasionally
    • ✔️ Linux - Should work but isn't actually tested
    • ❌ Andriod
    • ❌ iOS
    • ❌ Web
  • 🛠️ UI Engine
  • ❌ VR Support
  • ❌ Navmesh and AI Agents
  • ❌ Networking Solution


  • ❌ SSAO, Screen-Space Decals, etc.
  • ❌ Realtime GI
  • ❌ Lightmaps and Light Probes
  • ❌ Cascaded shadow mapping
  • ❌ Particle System
  • ❌ Terrain Engine


  • ❌ Package Manager (Packages partially implemented)
  • ❌ Animation Tools
  • ❌ Live Collaborative Tools
  • ❌ Visual Scripting
  • ❌ Material Node Editor
  • ❌ Basic 2D Support

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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🤝 Contributing 🤝

🚀 Welcome to the Prowl community! We're thrilled that you're interested in contributing.

We're not too proud to admit it – we need your help. 🆘

Developing a game engine is a colossal task, and we can't do it alone. We need passionate developers, designers, testers, and documentation enthusiasts, people like you to help make Prowl the best it can be. 💪

How You Can Contribute

Code Contributions 💻

Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, your code contributions are invaluable. We have a list of open issues that you can tackle, or feel free to propose your own improvements.

Bug Reports 🐛

Encountered a bug? We want to know! Submit detailed bug reports on our issue tracker to help us squash those pesky bugs.

Feature Requests 💡

Have a fantastic idea for a new feature? Share it with us! Open a feature request and let's discuss how we can make Prowl even better.

Spread the Word 📣

Not a developer? No problem! You can still contribute by spreading the word. Share your experiences with Prowl on social media, blogs, or forums. Let the world know about the exciting things happening here.

Contributor Recognition 🏆

We're not just asking for contributors; we're asking for partners in this journey. Every small contribution is a step toward realizing Prowl.

All contributors will be acknowledged in our Acknowledgments section.

Thank you for considering contributing to Prowl. Together, let's build something amazing!

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🙏 Acknowledgments 🙏

  • Hat tip to the creators of Raylib, While we are no longer based upon it, it has shaved off hours of development time getting the engine to a usable state.
  • Some ideas/code have been taken from the amazing 2D Engine Duality.

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Contributors 🌟

License 📜

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Dependencies 📦



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📸 Screenshots 📸


image animations Bokeh Depth of Field Editor image Flight Model image image image

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