a Monorepo sample using lernajs, CRA typescript and rollup


In this Repo there are four packages, three would be shared packages

  • common-components
  • common-types
  • common-utils

and one would be the consumer application.

consumer-application is created by CRA. common-components are configured by rollup for creating the bundle.

There is a template folder inside common-components which can be used to create a new component.

How to use

  1. in the root
npx lerna bootstrap
  1. in the packages/common-utils
yarn run rollup
  1. in the packages/common-components
yarn run rollup
  1. in the packages/consumer-app
yarn start


in the root

npx lerna run start --scope=consumer-app
  1. Create a new component in common-component package,
cd packages/common-components
npx generate-react-cli component NewComponentName
  1. Add a package(source-package) to another package(destination-package)
npx lerna add source-package --scope=destination-package
  1. generating a new version, in the root
npx lerna version --conventional-commits ---yes

there only would be a new version when there were changes to any of the packages.