
A Generalised Approach to Scaling Political Actors with Embedding Representations

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


  • REPO UNDER CONSTRUCTION! To be expanded...

Generalised Political Scaling

This repository contains replication data and code for the research paper A Generalised Approach to Scaling Political Actors with Embedding Representations, written as my master's thesis @ SODAS, UCPH. Scripts for preprocessing, modelling, and validation are provided here. Note that code documentation, refactoring, and general clean-up is ongoing. Link to the paper will be provided upon publication.

For documentation of the collection of parliamentary transcripts, please refer to my data collection repo which additionally documents the retrieval of political tweets and Meta ads. Embedding files are quite large and thus hosted on LFS.

For installation of the politician2vec package, see its dedicated repo. Note that all functionality provided is still in an early experimental stage! Some functionality developed as part of this project is yet to be added to the package proper.