
Primary LanguageC++

Project 3: Wiretap

Name:Vraj Parikh

Name:Marshal Patel

The final development of the Wiretap includes the following files.

Included Files and Purpose:

wiretap.cpp   :   Main file  from where all the callback routines are invoked. Additionally, consists of methods for parsing input.
callback.cpp  :   Contains all the callback functions to extract data for summary, link layer, network layer and transport layer.

Tasks Accomplished:

1. The output is written to a text file "wiretap.txt".


Steps to compile and run:

1. Navigate to the directory where the makefile and the source code file is present. Make sure they are present at the same

2. Type make and hit enter.

3. If no error is displayed, execute the following command to run the program:
   ./wiretap --open .pcap file

4. Once the file is generated, appropriate message will be printed at console. In case of any error, the program will be terminated
   with appropriate error messages.