
Tag and TiNa implementation on a simulated network of wireless sensor motes using tinyOS(nesC & Python) - Part of a project on Wireless Sensor Networks

Primary LanguageC

Last update:	01/11/2011

	An application that creates and maintains a routing tree between wireless sensor motes.
	SERIAL_EN	if defined, serial communication capabilities added to node.
	PRINTFDBG_MODE	if defined, printf module added and printf messages enabled. DO NOT enable that for simulation build.
Some helpful commands for testing:
		lists connected motes in computer
	java net.tinyos.tools.MsgReader -comm serial@/dev/ttyUSB0:iris NotifyParentMsg 
		reads NotifyParentMsg from serial of iris mote , mib520 uses /dev/ttyUSB1 for reading instead.  
	java net.tinyos.tools.Listen -comm serial@/dev/ttyUSB0:iris
		listens the messages in bytes mode.
	make iris install,0 mib520,/dev/ttyUSB0
		builds and installs application on iris mote connected on mib520 board and uses /dev/ttyUSB0 for writting.

	make micaz sim