An implementation of facter functionality in C++11, providing:
- a shared library which gather facts about the system
- an executable for standalone command line usage
- a gem with a facter-like interface, for use in ruby applications
- GCC 4.8+ or Clang 5.0+ (OSX)
- CMake >= 2.8.12
- Boost C++ Libraries >= 1.54
- yaml-cpp >= 0.5.1
- OpenSSL >= 1.0.1.g - enables SSH fingerprinting facts.
- libblkid (Linux only) - enables the partitions fact.
The following will install all required tools and libraries:
yum install cmake boost-devel openssl-devel yaml-cpp-devel libblkid-devel gcc-c++ make
This assumes Clang is installed and the system OpenSSL libraries will be used.
The following will install all required libraries:
brew install cmake boost yaml-cpp
The following will install most required tools and libraries:
apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libblkid-dev
All of the following examples start by assuming the current directory is the root of the repo.
Before building cfacter, use cmake
to generate build files:
$ mkdir release
$ cd release
$ cmake ..
To generate build files with debug information:
$ mkdir debug
$ cd debug
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
Before building the gem, install the cfacter bundle:
$ cd gem
$ bundle install
To build cfacter, use 'make':
$ cd release
$ make
To build cfacter with debug information:
$ cd debug
$ make
To build the cfacter gem:
$ cd gem
$ rake gem
The gem will be created in the gem/pkg
You can run cfacter from where it was built:
$ release/bin/cfacter
For a debug build:
$ debug/bin/cfacter
You can run cfacter tests using the test target:
$ cd release
$ make test
For a debug build:
$ cd debug
$ make test
For verbose test output, run ctest
instead of using the test target:
$ cd release
$ ctest -V
To run gem tests:
$ cd gem
$ rspec
You can install cfacter into your system:
$ cd release
$ make && sudo make install
By default, cfacter will install files into /usr/local/bin
, /usr/local/lib
, and /usr/local/include
To install to a different location, set the install prefix:
$ cd release
$ make clean install
This would install cfacter into ~/bin
, ~/lib
, and ~/include
To install the gem (assumes gem is already built):
$ cd gem
$ gem install pkg/cfacter*.gem
Run the following command to remove files that were previously installed:
$ sudo xargs rm < release/install_manifest.txt
To uninstall the gem:
$ gem uninstall cfacter
To generate API documentation, install doxygen 1.8.7 or later.
$ cd lib
$ doxygen
To view the documentation, open lib/html/index.html
in a web browser.
This section assumes that cfacter has been installed into the system.
Here's a simple example of using the C++11 API to output all facts as YAML.
#include <facter/facts/collection.hpp>
#include <facter/logging/logging.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace facter::facts;
using namespace facter::logging;
int main()
// Create a fact collection and write the collection out
collection facts;
facts.write(cout, format::yaml);
cout << endl;
To build the above, link with libfacter:
$ g++ -o myfacter -std=c++11 -lfacter
$ ./myfacter