
This repository showcases a project on the famous Four Color Theorem. The project aims to color maps with only 4 or 5 colors by first transforming them into planar graphs. You can choose to display either the graph or the map and observe the beautiful and colorful results on a sleek graphical interface. Join us on this fun and interactive journey.

Primary LanguageJava

Graph Coloring Project

Project Description:

This repository corresponds to the project on the Four Color Theorem. The goal of the project is to color maps with 4 or 5 colors by first transforming them into planar graphs. You can then choose to display the graph or the map, and observe the result on a graphical interface.

The coloring is done in two ways:

  1. Either using different algorithms (whose result of execution time and complexity can be observed according to the colored graph).
  2. Or manually, with the possibility of verifying that the coloring is correct.

It is also possible to generate random planar graphs or to construct them using the mouse. Finally, the software has a game mode where the user can color a map/graph and check if the coloring is successful.

This project was carried out by Jade Cortial, Alexandre Zhou, Leopold Abignoli, Paris Mollo and Daniel Gilardoni.

How to run the project:

Clone the repository:

HTTPS: git clone https://gaufre.informatique.univ-paris-diderot.fr/cortial/projetajlp.git

SSH: git clone git@gaufre.informatique.univ-paris-diderot.fr:cortial/projetajlp.git

Go to the "graph_coloring" folder.

Type the following command in the terminal: java -jar graph_coloring.jar

If this command doesn't work, you can try this one: java -cp graph_coloring.jar launcher.App