This repository corresponds to the project on the Four Color Theorem. The goal of the project is to color maps with 4 or 5 colors by first transforming them into planar graphs. You can then choose to display the graph or the map, and observe the result on a graphical interface.
The coloring is done in two ways:
- Either using different algorithms (whose result of execution time and complexity can be observed according to the colored graph).
- Or manually, with the possibility of verifying that the coloring is correct.
It is also possible to generate random planar graphs or to construct them using the mouse. Finally, the software has a game mode where the user can color a map/graph and check if the coloring is successful.
This project was carried out by Jade Cortial, Alexandre Zhou, Leopold Abignoli, Paris Mollo and Daniel Gilardoni.
Clone the repository:
HTTPS: git clone
SSH: git clone
Go to the "graph_coloring" folder.
Type the following command in the terminal: java -jar graph_coloring.jar
If this command doesn't work, you can try this one: java -cp graph_coloring.jar launcher.App