About 1kb gzipped, and includes the basics of what's needed to make reactive components (State, Effects, Cleanup, Rendering).
This is a simple, small project I used for learning more about reactive primitives. It uses closures for state (like Solid-JS) to automate each effect's dependency graph.
NOTICE: this is not tested, and shouldn't be used in production. Try S-JS instead.
Here's part of an example:
import { render, createCleanup, createEffect, createState } from 'reactive-core'
const stopRendering = render(() => {
// Reactive state initialization
const [count, setCount] = createState(0)
const incrementCount = () => setCount(count() + 1)
const stop = () => stopRendering()
// the functions passed to makeButton will be called when buttons are clicked
const button = makeButton(incrementCount)
const stopButton = makeButton(stop)
// Keeps the main button's inner text in-sync with count automatically.
createEffect(() => (button.innerText = `Clicks: ${count()}`))
stopButton.innerText = 'Stop Rendering'
// Runs when the 'stopRendering' function is called.
createCleanup(() => {
// cleanup our buttons from the dom