
A simple small Sunday-morning project to learn more about reactive primitives.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Reactive Core

About 1kb gzipped, and includes the basics of what's needed to make reactive components (State, Effects, Cleanup, Rendering).

This is a simple, small project I used for learning more about reactive primitives. It uses closures for state (like Solid-JS) to automate each effect's dependency graph.

NOTICE: this is not tested, and shouldn't be used in production. Try S-JS instead.

Here's part of an example:

import { render, createCleanup, createEffect, createState } from 'reactive-core'

const stopRendering = render(() => {
  // Reactive state initialization
  const [count, setCount] = createState(0)

  const incrementCount = () => setCount(count() + 1)
  const stop = () => stopRendering()

  // the functions passed to makeButton will be called when buttons are clicked
  const button = makeButton(incrementCount)
  const stopButton = makeButton(stop)

  // Keeps the main button's inner text in-sync with count automatically.
  createEffect(() => (button.innerText = `Clicks: ${count()}`))

  stopButton.innerText = 'Stop Rendering'

  // Runs when the 'stopRendering' function is called.
  createCleanup(() => {
    // cleanup our buttons from the dom