
Basbolt server and code to build DOS image

Primary LanguageBASICMIT LicenseMIT


This repository builds a compatible DOS disk image, basbolt.img, containing Basbolt 's DOS compilation server. The disk image also includes an installation of FreeDOS which automatically runs the Basbolt server (SERVER.EXE), as well as one or more installations of QuickBASIC.

Building basbolt.img

Package all desired QuickBASIC compilers in /opt/qb. Each version should be in a separate subfolder. The Basbolt server will assume the following naming scheme:

  • QB30 - QuickBASIC 3.0
  • QB40 - QuickBASIC 4.0
  • QB45 - QuickBASIC 4.5
  • PDS71 - Professional Development System 7.1
  • VBD10 - Visual BASIC for DOS 1.0 For instance, QuickBASIC 4.5 should be installed in /opt/qb/QB45.

QuickBASIC 4.5 must be included, as it is used by the Makefile to build the Basbolt server (SERVER.EXE)

To build, dosbox, mtools, make, and gzip must be installed. They can be installed with all major package managers, including apt, yum, and brew. Then, run make. This builds build/basbolt.img


Copy build/basbolt.img to the images subfolder of your cloned Basbolt repository.


The Basbolt server source code, server.bas, as well as the Makefile are distributed with an MIT license.

This repository includes a compressed FAT disk image containing a FreeDOS installation with no source changes. FreeDOS sources, which are GPL2 licensed, are available on this same domain (Github): https://github.com/FDOS.

QuickBASIC, Professional Development System, and Visual BASIC for DOS are all proprietary software owned by Microsoft, and not distributed from this repository.