
News about cats. Generated by Code for America fellows.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


News about cats. Generated by Code for America fellows.

This was created because a bunch of 2014 fellows were posting cat news from each of our cities on a Facebook group, and someone requested a map.

It lives here.

How do I add to it?

Follow these easy steps!

  1. If you don't have it yet, download the geojson.io Chrome Extension. If you're not using Chrome, see directions below.
  2. Fork this repo.
  3. Click over to the catnews.geojson file in your fork.
  4. Click the geojson.io button that is now above the map.
  5. Pan/zoom the map to wherever the news article is from, approximately.
  6. Click the map marker icon in the left column and place a point on the map.
  7. Fill in each of the fields: link, headline, description, date. Please keep the description to one sentence.
  8. When you're done, push the Save button at the top.
  9. Make a pull request and I'll merge it.
  10. See your article added to the map at CatNews!

But... I'm not using Chrome!

That's fine. You just have different instructions.

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Go to geojson.io.
  3. In the top right corner, click login. If it says your GitHub username and there's an option to logout, you are obviously logged in.
  4. At the top of the page, click Open.
  5. Click the GitHub tab in the area on the right.
  6. Click through until you get to catnews.geojson.
  7. Follow instructions above starting at step 5.

Planned Improvements

  • Moving from manual GeoJSON additions to a Google form -> Google spreadsheet -> tabletop.js -> geojson mode.
  • Making it look not crappy.
  • Getting zoom to feature on click to work correctly.
  • Marker clustering.
  • Pan bounds.
  • Keyword search.
  • Temporal search.

Questions / Comments / Feedback

Bring it on! Make a pull request! Open an issue! I am particularly crappy at design, so if anyone wants to make it look pretty, go ahead. If you're unfamiliar with GitHub's functionality and wish to email me directly, I'm lyzi@codeforamerica.org or @lyzidiamond on Twitter.