Hi, this is my blog/website.
Feel free to use it for yours!
All sorts of fuuuuuuun stuff! I'm trying to procrastinate write a story, I'll tell fun experiences, AND show off my coding projects!
Yep! Check it out at the website.
It pulls from an array full of every article written in HTML. Also, there's an array full of the titles too. Then you make a tag with an onclick of replacearticle()
. Then, you fill in the parentheses with the place in the array of the article. Remember, the first in an array is 0!
The CSS in this website is like this: Buttons are red with white text and rounded corners Text is in Calibri Background is white in light mode and #1e1e1e in dark mode Text is black in light mode and #ffffffcf in dark mode Links become bigger when you hover