How to run.

Create a new environment, this NLP task was done using python 3.9.12 but this should be able to run on pythons 3.7-3.10. It's better to create a env using conda.

conda create --name (name of the environment) python = 3.9.12

Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.

You can choose to train a new model which will be stored in saved_model by running:


You can also run your best model. Make sure you move the best model that is generated from to the best_model folder. You will also need to move the vocabulary pickles and the look up pickle. After you can run:


To evaluate the results back on the train.txt file.

Note I was able to achieve approximately 98% accuracy with a 3 layer Decoder / Encoder Transformer Model. Additional Hyperparameters are as:

  • 256 embed dim
  • 512 intermediate dim
  • 9 head multi attention layer
  • 0.1% drop out rate for every layer