
DNS records for my web properties, managed by OctoDNS.

Primary LanguagePython


Parker's DNS entries.

Making changes

Modify the YAML file for the zone you'd like to update. The top-level key is the subdomain value, and its value is a Hash/Dictionary of values.

A record:

  type: CNAME
  value: parkr.github.io.

This will create a CNAME record at www.<your-zone> which points to parkr.github.io. Easy, huh?


Before applying your change, test it:

$ script/cibuild || script/apply

It should print that there were mismatches and what it would do.

Applying your change

Once you're satisfied with your change, run:

$ script/apply --doit

If it complains about too many changes, be VERY CAREFUL! You can force changes by adding the --force flag to your script/apply call.