Location-aware queries about users for hubot.
Where is parkr? What time is it at parkr's location? Hey Hubot, parkr's now in a new location.
See src/time-me.coffee
for full documentation.
Add hubot-time-me to your package.json
npm install --save hubot-time-me
Add hubot-time-me to your external-scripts.json
Run npm install
Go to https://timezonedb.com and register for an account. You should receive an API key that you can then tell Hubot about. Just set the environment variable HUBOT_TIMEZONEDB_API_KEY
to the API key provided ⚡
user1>> hubot parkr is in Ithaca, NY
hubot>> Ok, updated parkr's location to 'Ithaca, NY'
user1>> hubot where is parkr
hubot>> parkr is in Ithaca, NY.
user1>> hubot time me parkr
hubot>> It's currently Thursday, March 13 at 18:39 PM. in Ithaca, NY.