
Archive your Instapaper bookmarks. Currently creates a Jekyll site in addition to placing JSON data in `archive/_data`, and HTML content in `archive/_mirror` where text data exists.

Primary LanguageGo


Archive your Instapaper bookmarks. Currently creates a Jekyll site in addition to placing JSON data in archive/_data, and HTML content in archive/_mirror where text data exists.

Usage of ./instapaper-archive:
  -directory string
    	The directory in which to write the archive (default "archive")
  -email string
    	The email address for the login credentials
  -export-csv-file string
    	The path to the instapaper export CSV (default "instapaper-export.csv")
  -password string
    	The password associated with the given email
  -password-file string
    	The file containing the password (defaults to stdin) (default "-")
  -workers int
    	Number of workers (default 10)


go install github.com/parkr/instapaper-archive@latest


  1. Create a dedicated directory – do not use a checkout of this repository.

  2. Create a .env file:

  1. Download your Instapaper export archive as CSV.

  2. Put your Instapaper password somewhere else so it can be fed through via stdin.

  3. Then:

cat instapaper-password | instapaper-archive -email=instapaper-email