
Next generation Wagtail demo, born in Reykjavik

Primary LanguagePython

Setup with Virtualenv

You can run the Wagtail demo locally without setting up Vagrant or Docker and simply use Virtualenv, which is the recommended installation approach for Django itself.



With PIP and virtualenvwrapper installed, run:

mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo
python --version

Confirm that this is showing a compatible version of Python 3.x. If not, and you have multiple versions of Python installed on your system, you may need to specify the appropriate version when creating the virtualenv:

rmvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo
mkvirtualenv wagtailbakerydemo --python=python3.6
python --version

Now we're ready to set up the bakery demo project itself:

cd ~/dev [or your preferred dev directory]
git clone https://github.com/wagtail/bakerydemo.git
cd bakerydemo
pip install -r requirements/base.txt

Next, we'll set up our local environment variables. We use django-dotenv to help with this. It reads environment variables located in a file name .env in the top level directory of the project. The only variable we need to start is DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE:

$ cp bakerydemo/settings/local.py.example bakerydemo/settings/local.py
$ echo "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=bakerydemo.settings.local" > .env

To set up your database and load initial data, run the following commands:

./manage.py migrate
./manage.py load_initial_data
./manage.py runserver

Log into the admin with the credentials admin / changeme.

Setup with Docker



Run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/wagtail/bakerydemo.git
cd bakerydemo
docker-compose up --build -d
docker-compose run app /venv/bin/python manage.py load_initial_data
docker-compose up

The demo site will now be accessible at http://localhost:8000/ and the Wagtail admin interface at http://localhost:8000/admin/.

Log into the admin with the credentials admin / changeme.

Important: This docker-compose.yml is configured for local testing only, and is not intended for production use.


To tail the logs from the Docker containers in realtime, run:

docker-compose logs -f