
Finite Element Codebase for Triangle/Tetrahedral Meshes

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


MeshFEM is a C++ finite element library supporting linear and quadratic triangle/tetrahedral elements. MeshFEM aims to make it easy to write generic but efficient code supporting multiple problem dimensions (2D, 3D), basis functions (linear and quadratic), and number types (e.g., higher/lower precision, or automatic differentiation types). The somewhat redundant name "MeshFEM" was given to distinguish it from an earlier mesh-free "CSGFEM" codebase I developed.

MeshFEM includes efficient simplicial mesh data structures for representing and traversing triangle/tetrahedral meshes and their boundaries, code for building and efficiently manipulating sparse matrices, efficient quadrature routines, and support for fourth-order tensors and tensor fields.

It also provides the linear elasticity solver, periodic homogenization routines for linear elasticity, and material field optimization implementation that we used in our Elastic Textures paper.

Preliminary Python bindings are implemented along with a mesh viewer and vector/scalar field visualization library for Jupyter Notebook/JupyterLab.


Dependencies not included (must be installed separately):

  • CHOLMOD/UMFPACK (SuiteSparse)

Dependencies included directly as external projects:

Optional dependencies (without these, certain parts will be omitted from the build):

Dependencies for running the Jupyter notebooks: see here.

Obtaining and Building

After installing the non-bundled dependencies, use the following commands on Mac or Linux to download and build MeshFEM:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/jpanetta/MeshFEM
cd MeshFEM
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

I would recommend instead using the Ninja build system, which means changing the last two lines to cmake .. -GNinja and ninja.

Running the Jupyter Notebooks

Preliminary Python bindings for parts of the MeshFEM codebase have been generated using pybind11. They should already have been built and installed in the python directory when you built the main project.

We include some example Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate some of the bound functionality. Please follow the instructions below to get these notebooks and the visualization code running.

JuptyterLab and Extensions

To run the Jupyter notebooks, you will need to install JupyterLab and my fork of the pythreejs library. JupyterLab can be installed through pip, and the following commands should work on both macOS and Ubuntu:

pip3 install wheel # Needed if installing in a virtual environment
pip3 install jupyterlab==1.2.6 traitlets==4.3.3
# If necessary, follow the instructions in the warnings to add the Python user
# bin directory (containing the 'jupyter' binary) to your PATH...
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@1.1.0

git clone https://github.com/jpanetta/pythreejs
cd pythreejs
pip3 install -e .
jupyter labextension link ./js

pip3 install matplotlib scipy

Launch Jupyter lab from the root python directory:

cd python
jupyter lab

Example Usage (Python Bindings)

In the future, I hope to expose all MeshFEM functionality with Python wrappers. For now, only a few high-level portions of the code have been bound. To see what is possible with the current bindings, please check out the included notebooks python/examples/Homogenization.ipynb, and python/examples/GeodesicsInHeat.ipynb.

Example Usage (C++ Binaries)

The traditional way to interact with the library is by implementing and running C++ binaries. Several pre-made C++ binaries have been provided to solve linear elasticity problems and run periodic homogenization.

Linear elasticity simulation

The Simulate_cli binary is used to solve linear elasticity problems. To use it, specify an input mesh, its material properties, and boundary conditions (forces, clamps) to apply.

Material specification files

Isotropic material

Example with a file named B9Creator.material:

    "type": "isotropic_material",
    "dim": 3,
    "young": 200.0,
    "poisson": 0.35

Orthotropic and general anisotropic materials can also be specified using a .material file.

Spatially varying material fields

Spatially varying isotropic and (axis-aligned) orthotropic materials can be specified by passing a .msh file instead of a .material. This .msh file should have identical geometry (vertices and elements) as the simulation and should also contain per-element scalar fields describing the elastic moduli. For an isotropic material field, the names of these scalar fields must be E and nu, optionally prefixed by the string passed as the matFieldName command line argument. For a 3D orthotropic material, the scalar fields should be called E_x, E_y, E_z, nu_yx, nu_zx, nu_zy, mu_yz, mu_zx, and mu_xy; for a 2D orthotropic material, they should be called E_x, E_y, nu_yx, and mu.

Boundary condition files

    "no_rigid_motion": false,
    "regions": [
            {   "type": "dirichlet",
                "value": [ 0, 0, 0],
                "box%": { "minCorner": [-0.0001, -0.0001, -0.0001], "maxCorner": [0.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001] }
            {   "type": "force",
                "value": [0, -10, 0],
                "box%": { "minCorner": [ 0.9999, -0.0001, -0.0001], "maxCorner": [1.0001, 1.0001, 1.0001] }

Possible types (non-exhaustive list):

  • dirichlet: target displacement.
  • force: directional load (total).
  • traction: directional load (per-unit).
  • presssure: load along the normal direction.

Tip: Use dirichletxy to fix only the X and Y component of a region (then value[0:2] will be used). The same component specification syntax can be used with all boundary condition types.

Rectangular box region specification:

  • box: the corners are specified in absolute coordinates.
  • box%: the corners are specified relative to the bounding box of the input mesh (which would correspond to { "minCorner": [0, 0, 0], "maxCorner": [1, 1, 1] }).


  • mm for node positions
  • N for forces
  • MPa for Young's modulus and traction (same as N/mm^2)

You can also set Dirichlet boundary conditions per boundary elements, by specifying the vertices belonging to each boundary element (edge in 2D, triangle in 3D), in arbitrary order. Example:

    "no_rigid_motion": false,
    "regions": [
            "element vertices": [
                [ 0, 3 ],
                [ 2, 3 ],
                [ 2, 4 ],
                [ 4, 5 ],
                [ 5, 6 ],
                [ 6, 7 ],
                [ 0, 8 ],
                [ 7, 8 ]
            "type": "dirichlet elements",
            "value": [

The no_rigid_motion option enables/disables constraints on the global rigid translation and rotation described as described in our Worst-Case Structural Analysis paper. Note that these constraints change the static equilibrium system from positive semidefinite to an indefinite KKT system, which is significantly more expensive to solve. Whenever possible, it is recommended to pin down the rigid motion by other means (using carefully crafted Dirichlet conditions).

Running the simulation

./Simulate_cli -m B9Creator.material -b loads.bc -o output.msh <input_mesh>

The only permitted output file format is .msh. This file includes several vector and tensor fields describing the solution, and can be viewed in Gmsh.

Accepted input file formats: (non-exhaustive list):

  • Tetrahedral meshes:
    • .msh, with tets only (no triangles).
    • .mesh, medit file format.
  • Triangle meshes:
    • .off
    • .obj
    • .stl

Output fields:

  • u: per-vertex displacement.
  • load: per-vertex external forces.
  • Ku: per-vertex actual force applied to the shape (including the forces applied to enforce no-rigid-motion and Dirichlet constraints).
  • strain: per-element strain tensor.
  • stress: per-element stress tensor.

Note: in the Gmsh format, vector and tensor fields are always stored as 3D quantities, even for 2D problems (in which case they are padded with 0).


To interpret the results of a simulation, either load it in Gmsh or use the tools/msh_processor. E.g.:

$MeshFEM/build/tools/msh_processor in.msh -e ‘stress’ --eigenvalues --max --max

Will compute the greatest maximum principal stress in the structure.

$MeshFEM/build/tools/msh_processor in.msh -e ‘stress’ --eigenvalues --max -o out.msh

Will write a file out.msh with a scalar field containing the maximum principal stress of each element.


Given a base material, you can run periodic homogenization on a periodic microstructure (2D or 3D) in a unit cell (square in 2D, cube in 3D) using the PeriodicHomogenization_cli binary.

Using the DeformedCells_cli binary, this unit cell can be distorted by a linear warping transformation prior to homogenizing (to homogenize parallelogram/parallelepiped tilings):

DeformedCells_cli examples/meshes/square_hole.off -m examples/materials/B9Creator.material --homogenize --jacobian '2 0 0 1' --transformVersion

Explanation of the arguments:

  • --jacobian 'xx xy yx yy'. This is the Jacobian of the deformation that maps the unit square/cube to the distorted configuration.

  • --transformVersion. By default, DeformedCells_cli actually warps the periodic mesh into a parallelogram and then runs homogenization. If you pass --transformVersion, it instead solves the transformed homogenization problem over the original undeformed unit cell (by transforming the base material's elasticity tensor accordingly and transforming the resulting homogenized tensor back). Both approaches give identical results up to roundoff error.

  • It has an additional mode for the 2D case (--parametrizedTransform) where a sequence of deformations are read from stdin (one per line) and the resulting tensor is output for each. These deformations are parametrized by theta lambda, which specifies the Jacobian $$J = Rot(\theta) [\lambda; 0; 0; 1] Rot(\theta)^T$$.

Notes for Windows (Thanks to Christopher Brandt)

Getting MeshFEM to run in Visual Studio 2019:

  1. This is specifically for VS2019; older versions would need significant changes in the code
  2. Prerequisites:
    • Download boost, extract it, and use the following to commands in the boost root folder in a terminal:
      bjam --toolset=msvc-14.2 --build-type=complete --prefix=[installation dir]
      More details on the installation can be found here. Add the folder [installation dir] as an environment variable called BOOST_ROOT, add the folder [installation dir]\lib as an environment variable called BOOST_LIBRARYDIR
    • Download or clone the CMake version of suitesparse from here and then:
      • Configure and Generate the project files for Visual Studio 16 2019 - x64. There are some options (like using CUDA and OpenMP), but these depend on your preferences. Just make sure you set the installation path (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) to something you remember
      • Open the generated project file, build ALL_BUILD and then INSTALL. The libraries, shared libraries, and include files will now be found in the installation path. To later be able to run executables without copying the .dlls into the program folder, you can add the subdirectories /bin and /lib64/lapack_blas_windows to your PATH environment variable. IMPORTANT: after building and installing you have to rename (or duplicate with different names) the following .lib libraries in the /lib subdirectory:
            libcholmod.lib -> cholmod.lib
            libccolamd.lib -> ccolamd.lib
            libcolamd.lib -> colamd.lib
            libamd.lib -> amd.lib
            libcamd.lib -> camd.lib
            libumfpack.lib -> umfpack.lib
      • Now add the directory [suitesparse installation dir]/include/suitesparse as an environment variable called SUITESPARSE_INC, [suitesparse installation dir]/lib as SUITESPARSE_LIB and [suitesparse installation dir] as SUITESPARSE_ROOT.
  3. Configure and generate the project files for MeshFEM
    • Aside from a warning related to the BOOST_ROOT environment variable, this worked without any additional changes (of course only after carefully following the above instructions).
  4. Open the MeshFEM.sln and try to compile. You will get quite a lot of errors:
    • For some reason I had to manually add the include directory of boost for the MeshFEM project (these are found in the boost [installation dir]\include\boost_XX_X\)
    • There is a problem when compiling tinyexpr in Visual Studio ("initializer not constant") with a very simple workaround described here:
      • add these two lines anywhere above static const te_variable functions[] = {}:
        #pragma function (ceil)
        #pragma function (floor)


Thanks to Jeremie Dumas for reorganizing the codebase and transitioning it to a CMake build system.