
OISC (One Instruction Set Computer) VM using subleq (SUbstract and Branch if Less or EQual) instruction

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


OISC (One Instruction Set Computer) VM using subleq (SUbstract and Branch if Less or EQual) instruction



This is the virtual machine, it takes a program as parameter or a seed with -s to execute random program.

usage: vm.py [-h] [--seed SEED] [--memsz SIZE] [--speed SPEED] [--verbose]
             [--dump-fmt DUMP_FMT]
             [FILE] [ARG [ARG ...]]

OISC VM implementation using subleq instructions.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  Bytecode to load (compiled with asm.py)
  ARG                   Arguments that will be passed to the program

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --seed SEED, -S SEED  Seed for loading random program
  --memsz SIZE, -m SIZE
                        Change the virtual memory size (default is 16)
  --speed SPEED, -s SPEED
                        VM speed (this goes into a sleep, so 0 => fast
  --verbose, -v         Enable verbose messages
  --dump-fmt DUMP_FMT, -d DUMP_FMT
                        List of registers to dump when -v is present exemple:

Test run wiht mul.bin:

python vm.py -m 128 -v -d R0,R1,RF,PC asm/bin/mul.bin 3 5
0x10      0x11      0x1f
3 [B]     5         0          [PC]: 0x30:[0x12,0x10,0x33]
3         5         0          [PC]: 0x33:[0x13,0x12,0x36]
3         5 [B]     0          [PC]: 0x36:[0x14,0x11,0x39]
3         5         0 [A]      [PC]: 0x39:[0x1f,0x14,0x34]
3         5         5          [PC]: 0x3c:[0x13,0x52,0x0]
3         5         5          [PC]: 0x3f:[0x0,0x0,0x39]
3         5         5 [A]      [PC]: 0x39:[0x1f,0x14,0x34]
3         5         10         [PC]: 0x3c:[0x13,0x52,0x0]
3         5         10         [PC]: 0x3f:[0x0,0x0,0x39]
3         5         10 [A]     [PC]: 0x39:[0x1f,0x14,0x34]
3         5         15         [PC]: 0x3c:[0x13,0x52,0x0]

The program takes input from r0 (addr 16) and r1 (addr 17) and multiply them, then store the result in rf (addr 31). It also uses a static data from the .data section (addr 70), containing the value 1.

Test run with Hello World:

$ python vm.py -m 128 asm/bin/hello_world.bin 
Hello World!


  1. Write (SYS_WR)
  • The VM will print the content of the memory at addr SYS_WR if > 0
  1. Read (SYS_RD)
  • still not implemented
  1. Rand (SYS_RND)
  • populates SYS_RND with a random value at each tick
  1. Real Time Clock (SYS_RTC)
  • Populates SYS_RTC with a time.time() at each tick


The ASM is here to help the creation of a program file, still work in progress.


see the file TODO.md


Do not hesitate to pull request if you have fun ideas