Post an Imnage to Instagram

This Python script allows you to publish an image on Instagram using the Instagram Graph API.


  1. You need an access token from Instagram to authenticate your requests.
  2. Obtain your Instagram user ID.
  3. Provide the URL of the image you want to post.

How to Use

  • Make sure you have installed the necessary Python packages: json and requests.
  • Open the script and replace the following placeholders with your actual information:
    • ACCESS-TOKEN: Replace with your Instagram access token.
    • INSTAGRAM-ID: Replace with your Instagram user ID.
    • IMAGE-URL: Replace with the URL of the image you want to post.
  • Run the script.


# Replace the placeholders with your actual information
access_token = "YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN"
ig_user_id = "YOUR-INSTAGRAM-ID"
image_url = "URL-OF-YOUR-IMAGE"

# Call the function

Important Notes

  • Make sure you have the necessary permissions to post on Instagram using the Graph API.
  • This script uses version 18.0 of the Facebook Graph API. Ensure compatibility with future versions if necessary..